Facts About The Top 3 Chilies
Which one is the most mouth burning chili pepper on earth.
Have you ever been curious as to what the most spicy, moth burning chilli pepper on earth is!? Well let me tell you there have been a few. Not only only have there been a few they are all immensely spicy. For the purpose of this article I wanted to go through the 3 hottest chilies on Earth today.
To begin I’d like to introduce a chili known as the “Ghost Pepper” aka “Bhut Jolokia”. This was once considered the most spicy pepper in the world. I will be honest, I have tried this pepper and it was very spicy… If you enjoy a challenge this would be a good place to start. The ghost pepper sits at a smashing 855,000–2,000,000 SHU level. This is seriously spicy. To compare it to a Jalapeno the Ghost Pepper is at least 110 times hotter!
The next pepper in the mix is known as the “Red Savina Habanero Chilli”. This is one seriously spicy pepper. This is the king of Habanero peppers. It boasts a nice smooth red color and is easily separated form it’s counter part, the ordinary Habanero. This chilli has fruity flavor and is seriously spicy. The “Savina” pepper sits between 100,000 to 350,000 SHU. The savina is 44 to 231 times hotter than the Jalapeno pepper. Very spicy indeed!
Our final pepper is the infamous “Carolina Reaper”. This is the king of all peppers. The “Reaper” is one mouth burning pepper. The flesh alone is so spicy you should wear gloves when handling it. This pepper sits at 855,000–2,200,000 SHU! This is officially the hottest pepper in the world. If you want to see how much damage and pain these death peppers can cause check out “what not to do” .