Ketogenic diet: What are the risks?

Ibrar khan
5 min readJun 29, 2020

When fad diets are the topic of discussions, most writers talk about the big promises of weight loss, but very few of them reveal what are the potential Ketogenic diet risks. Medicine Ingalls Memorial dietitians at University of Chicago discloses that keto diets or ketogenic, although they are gaining fame and popularity in the recent years but the fact is, it is extremely difficult to maintain and strict to follow.

This article is further going to cover up the questions like:

  • Is keto diet safe for a healthy person ?
  • Is keto diet safe for diabetics ?

Rachel Kleinman, LDN, RDN, clinical dietitian at Ingalls says that the primary aim of keto diet was to manage and cure seizure in children going through epilepsy. But their research on keto diests effectiveness in dealing diabetes and fat loss is limited.

Ketosis, the core phenomena behind keto, forces metabolism to adapt in famine circumstances and survive when it encounters shortage of diet in the body. In such situation body burns fats instead of carbs to produce energy. To be more specific, the human body breaks down whats called ketone bodies, a form of energy the liver generates in result of burning fat, instead of carbs or glucose/sugar.

So ketosis requires body to consume more fats than usual and it takes 75% of calories from fat as compared to 20–30% from carbs when you are not on keto. As far as carbohydrates are concerned, your body during ketosis, consumes only 5% of calories from carbs.

We can say:

Normal Mode = More calories from carbs and less calories from fats.

Keto Mode = More calories from Fat and Less calories from Carbs.

Usually ketosis kicks in around 72 hours of the first keto diet. Anyone adapting to ketogenic lifestyle must eat food like eggs, dairy, butter, meat, fatty fish, oil, seeds, nuts and vegetables having low carbs.

Ketogenic diet risks
Photo by Gustavo Fring from Pexels

To achieve daily target of fat intake level, people consume coconut oil or unsweetened chocolate called “Fat Bomb. Most of keto compliant diets are costly and may be out of reach of a common person, like red meats and nuts etc.

To make keto more simple to follow there are readily available Keto-branded available in market like supplemental products, keto coffee and a lot more, they are all costly and might be superfluous to your body requirements.

Wellness Dietitian Mary Condon, RN, LDN also reveals that, due to low carb diets in keto where it results in weight loss (it’s a quick fix to fat loss), there may also be lower blood sugar harms as well. Mary Condon also say, oftentimes weight gains restore quickly when you leave keto diet and it is possible your body will gain more weight than you may have lost.

Ketogenic diet risks
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

If you are in constant mental or physical stress, you may not want to switch to keto diet, until you deal with primary source of stress.

Condon said, before moving to new diet plans, you must always seek advice from your primary care physician for anything specific to you. For example people fighting with high blood sugar levels and are on diabetic medication, you need to consult with doctor, because diabetic meds lower down blood sugar levels and you are almost out of glucose in keto diet as well, so the effect may critical.

Same may happen to people dealing with low blood sugar levels as well, so medicine should be adjusted with the diet plan within few days of ketosis.

Ketogenic diet risks
Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Fats can be taken from heart-healthy sources like grass-fed meat, but if a person on keto diet is not aware of heart-healthy sources of good fat, they may end up consuming saturated fats in an excessive amount that may become a risk for your heart ending up in a critical disease, Condon said. The logic convinces me as well.

Study shows, in some individuals, keto diet may scrutinize blood sugar which may end up being low constantly. Moreover researcher says it can cause nutrient deficiencies that may become root for constipation and kidney stones.

Is keto diet safe for diabetics ?

keto diet health risks
Photo by PhotoMIX Company from Pexels

In some circumstances during keto one can face disordered eating or social isolation. Anyone strictly involving or struggling with their pancreas, thyroid, liver or gallbladder keto may put them at risking their health.

“Keto Flue” is an important term not widely addressed or even bothered by the people planning to go for keto. Anyone at initial stages of keto may experience keto flu and observe symptons like dizziness, low energy, upset stomach, mood swings and it happens when body is synchronizing or transitioning towards ketosis.

So keto is not widely appreciated by doctors for the patients by it is difficult to educate about keto diet, difficult to sustain and unrealistic approach to diet if you are not over obsessed about your diet plans.

ketogenic diet health risks

Although keto is fast way to lose weight but you can gain weight quickly when you stop it, as keto prevents you from eating vegetables, low dairy fats and fresh fruits that can aid you in achieving long term fat loss and maintains overall health.

“There’s not one diet that’s good for everyone,” Kleinman said.

Before going on keto diet, deeply go through your body situation, and if you are facing any disease, consult your doctor, do your research and educate yourself to make sure you are out of harm’s way.

Its you that is going find out keto diet health risks that may be potentially threatening to your body due to any hidden disease you may be going through.

If you have any questions you may drop it in the comments box below.



Ibrar khan

I am pet lover, writer, and love to hike. I have two cute daughters.